Lincoln Shotts
Youth Minister

Lincoln loves God, his wife, Anna, sports, TV shows and the occasional pickleball. Lincoln loves youth ministry. He graduated from Freed-Hardeman with a Bachelor of Science in Ministry. He began his work with Bartlett Woods in May 2023, and has loved it since!

Leonard Rovery
Youth Deacon

Leonard serves as one of the youth deacons for Bartlett Woods. Leonard comes paired with Teresa. Leonard and Teresa are both vital members that keep the BWYG going. Leonard has been a youth deacon for the BWYG since 2016.

Todd Ruston
Youth Deacon

Todd serves as a deacon of youth ministry at the Bartlett Woods Church of Christ. He and his wife Leigh are a huge asset to the BWYG. They love God, their two boys: Chase and Jackson, cycling, and youth ministry. Todd has been a youth deacon for the BWYG since 2016.

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